Skyroo Arabians

I want to thank my friends Kathy and Sean Rees-Gibbs for inviting me to their holiday home in South-Africa near Kruger National Park.
We did spend some wonderful days together, watching Rhinos and Hippos and Lions pass by. Thank you for great hours of talking and enjoying good food and for your and your friends humor. Jumping in the pool made the heat acceptable and the look at the Hippo River was fantastic. You took me out of my „workandstressmodus" and gave back to me the rhythm of relaxation and the feeling of just "let the time pass by“.
We have had also great times together during my last visit while photographing your wonderful horses at the beach. The stud Skyroo Arabians has been growing in the meantime and lots of new babies are on their way. This time I came for pleasure, next time I hope we can enjoy your horses again and photograph them in their full beauty…. and go to the bush as well. Your friendship is very precious for me and I hope you will be coming as well soon to Speyer for a visit in summer.
Blessings and all the best!